Swimlane Turbine

AI-enhanced Security Automation

A low-code system of record for any environment, use case, or stakeholder.

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Automate and Integrate Anything with Swimlane Turbine

Swimlane helps SecOps teams overcome alert fatigue, speed MTTD and MTTR, reduce dwell time, and prevent breaches through its AI-enabled security automation platform. Swimlane Turbine is the world’s fastest and most scalable security automation platform. It is cloud-native but can also be deployed on-premises or in air-gapped environments. Turbine combines five innovations into one system of record. 

Swimlane Turbine Capabilities

Rapid Playbook Creation for the Entire Security Organisation

  • Low-Code Canvas builds automation 3x faster with the choice of no-code, full code, and AI-assisted playbook-building experiences
  • Streamline automation with reusable building blocks that can be customised and deployed across different processes
  • Rapid playbook creation through drag-and-drop functionality, making automation accessible and efficient for any SOC team

Integrate with Anything

  • Autonomous Integrations facilitate infinite integrations with any REST API
  • No-cost connectors with Turbine are stable, portable and reliable connections to any API in a customer environment
  • Turbine HTTP Request builds comprehensive and high performing playbooks with HTTP request actions sending requests to any endpoint, regardless if the connector exist

Demonstrate ROI and Outcomes

  • Turbine’s AI-enabled case management application is 10x more thorough than alternatives
  • Automated detection analysis, collaboration hub, and one-click remediation
  • Analyse and enrich incident data in real-time 
  • Self-documenting visual dashboards and reports provide actionable insights for security KPIs (MTTR, MTTD, ROI), compliance controls, process efficiencies, and team performance

Unparalleled Control and Flexibility

  • Utilise Swimlane’s functional GenAI features like Swimlane’s own private LLM, case summarisation, scripting assistance, AI-driven post-incident reports, and crafted prompts to maximize the effectiveness of SecOps teams
  • Automate complex tasks and offer valuable insights derived from AI analysis
  • Categorise and prioritise issues more efficiently
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The SecOps Triple Threat: Automation, AI and Low-code

Swimlane Turbine is the triple threat of automation, GenAI, and low-code that solves the most challenging problems across the entire security organisation.

Watch this 3-minute video to learn what makes Turbine different.

Learn More About Swimlane

Ready when you are! Take a quick demo with one of our experts and find out why Swimlane is
the world’s fastest and most scalable security automation platform.